Monday, February 28, 2011

The Best Part of My Day-Unplanned

We didn't have any plans
Our whole family was in the nursery after getting the kids dressed in PJ's
It all started with 3 little monkeys jumping on the bed
And well, the oldest little monkey discovered that she could jump even higher...

And to her and her brother and sister, that was pretty exciting
Belly laughter broke out.
I love those big belly laughs!

Something so simple, yet so fun, turned into the best part of my day today.
These moments, such small moments, are the greatest parts of my day.
I love how children discover new creative ways to have fun all day long. The way they can do something over and over and over again, and never tire of it.
They don't have a mental list of "things to do"
They take each moment as it comes
and enjoy each one.
I am grateful for the lessons I learn from my children. I need to be more like them everyday

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